
Vitamin Drip


Vitamindrip® is a scientifically formulated intravenous solution for the effective treatment of moderate to severe dehydration, and has been found to be effective against asthma, migraines, fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome), acute muscle spasm, upper respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis, seasonal allergic rhinitis, and other disorders. (Alternative Medical Review 2002;7(5):389-403)

Vitamindrip® products are widely used in hospitals and by healthcare professionals worldwide.

PT Should Have Lab Work Before IV Drips : CBC, CMP , Within 1 Week Of IV Therapy



Deliver 100% of the fluid, electrolytes and vitamins directly into the bloodstream.

Hydrate, boost energy levels and release those unwanted toxins = amazing.

More nutrients

The amount of nutrients in the blood can reach much higher, more therapeutic levels.

Fast acting

Nutrients enter the bloodstream immediately to help the body begin healing itself.

Sustained energy

Enjoy energy for days not hours without the crash.

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